Ive been playing with the regen braking on me Ribelle, getting to learn it and use it better. I really love it TBH.
Putting it into heavy regen, at first I hated it, it was too abrupt IMO, but after getting used to the whole concept and learning how to feather the throttle and work it like a fiddle, I am really liking it now.
With this in mind though, on high setting this can slow your bike down pretty darned fast to be honest. Fast enough that it'd probably be nice to let the person behind you on the road know you are slowing down. Does regen activate the brake light, maybe after say a certain threshold of it maybe? Like if you are regenning 3 plus KW it's time to turn the brake light on because that's slowing YOU down fast enough to be equivalent to some decent braking?
If not this might be a nice safety feature and shouldn't be too hard to add.
Just curious if it activates the brake or not.