Just a first initial feedback after receiving and using the PCC app. It's an Android beta app available from
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.powercruisecontrol.energica that will connect to OBDII Bluetooth dongles to retrieve bike info and adapt your route using that info.
Initially this was a closed beta app but since a few days it's been public. So no more need to request access. I'll post back here once I have a video out to show how it's useful (or not). Out of curiosity, Is there anyone else here already using this App? It was shared by one of the devs on the facebook group a while ago.
Required HardwareYou'll need an OBDII dongle with bluetooth support so using the ELM327 chipset. Some are available that use Wifi, the app won't connect to wifi based dongles. Also not all dongles fully support the OBD protocols needed for this to work. Most 5 EUR chinese copies (those blue transparant ones) will likely fail. They sell their own dongle that works for sure at amazon (at least amazon.de and amazon.it, not sure about other countries).
InstallationInitial connection wasn't straight forward. The app redirects to the Android Bluetooth settings during set up but for some reason it prompted me for a password of at least 16 digits while the password it the instructions is "1234". I tried with spaces, 0, and more but only succeeded once the app for some (unknown) reason skipped the minimal password length. Not sure yet what I did to fix that or if it is device specific. I was testing on a Nexus 5X device. The good news is that that was the only issue I encountered.
Next the app prompted me to buy a license. The cost of it is 25 EUR per year with a 30 day free trial. This is linked to the VIN so tied vehicle not user. However if you have multiple EVs like me you would have to buy multiple licenses. For now the Zero and Mercedes aren't supported yet so not yet an issue.
Using the AppAfter that you can start using the app. On top you make a connection and there is a map where you can plan a route. During that route the initial green screen will show a percentage of what you have left (or come short) reaching your destination. That is the part I'll try to capture in a video cause it will make much more sense that way. That is the main feature of the app.
There is also a data screen showing state of your bike. Keep in mind that this app is in beta. The voltage values are missing for example. And the kWh value displayed is not from the canbus but just 71% of nominal capacity. Which isn't what is really available so I doubt the calculations will be OK at this point. The battery temperature is the right value.