C) That's a stupid excuse. Why have a battery that can't unplug itself (or be unplugged) from the grid? My computer UPS does that just fine without barbecuing linemen.
What do you mean by this?
That it was stupid for Tesla to release the Power Wall before getting approval for using it for a power loss backup?
Or it's stupid to worry about a lineman getting zapped?
The later Power Walls and Robert's have had added switching so now it can be used for this purpose.
This was also in the UK of course but I would think CA power companies would be just as controlling or even more so.
I guess it's no fun bringing up potential issues before they happen to make sure they are avoided. It must be cooler to to deal with those issues in court later on.
Cowboy, having the ability to use your EV to power things does seem like a "neat" extra feature that's why Lucid will have it as standard.
The 5:37 mark:
As well as a feature from, what you think is a fantasy bike company, Damon.
As "the person" who asked what EVs your product will work on, I know you know there is a massive difference in EV voltage and if it has AC only charging or CCS or Chademo all could very well factor into your product working or not with a certain EV.
So far you've mentioned Energica and Leafs, feel free to list all that it works with since this is a sales pitch.
The making a pizza video was cute but you're trying to gauge interest in the product, correct?
Lay out fully what it can and can't do. Ball park the cost and go from there.