I will say I dont have a quiq charger, and my readings where between the small pin and the ground on the charge connector
What ground? Do you mean the connector for the Quick charger? There is no ground in that connector. Just the un-grounded black, un-grounded red and the small pins. But perhaps you will still get a reading to the black from the small pin at a much reduced voltage. I did check to the black also, but I don't now recall that reading. There was a much stronger 1 CPS in reference to the ground on the QC (or the bike when everything is connected--as the AC cords connect the bike's frame to the QC chassis).
and what it looked like off, on and with just the onboard enabled. It was 1/2 second intervals, I havent looked at the pictures I had taken of my scope in a while. It's pretty hot here, 'fast' charging today with a TC-HK-J 3.3kw unit and I was able to heat my battery to 111F, which is above the the 109F Zero says the charger will start tapering at. I wasnt able to get a scope on it today, but i'll try this week and see if there is some kind of different signal at that temperature.
Great! The one more experiment I was going to do later today, I no longer have to do as now we know the 1 cps signal comes from the bike, and not the DeltaQ charger.
-Don- Reno, NV