Thanks for the input Ashnazg and Fran K. I do not YET own an electric motorcycle but I have been for a test ride several times and I AM THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED. As I see it, this is the future of motorcycle riding and I want to be a part of promoting this future in the present. We all have different styles of riding, mine is dualsport, be it local, trailer & ride, or 2 month long cross country adventure riding. Granted, the long distant rides will have to wait for more battery capacity but the local and trailer & ride has great potential for personal use and possibly for commercial endeavours. My honda xr650r has been a great friend over the years but riding an electric motorcycle has opened my eyes to what I have been dealing with, the list is long; oil, gas, filters, radiators, heat, NOISE, etc. My beloved ICE motorcycle is a rattling, smelly and, though with a stock muffler, obnoxious bucket of bolts with hundreds of moving parts all trying to tear each other to pieces. I know because I work on those pieces constantly. We ride to see the world, be it local or far away, and the simplicity and SILENCE of electric motorcycles make riding more possible and enjoyable for us and future generations. I endeavor to become a silent rider and to prove that silence is golden by creating a touring business. Well on the way, I have slogged through a years plus worth of effort and am nearly to the point of opening for business. I plan to share how this slog is done so that my fellow riders can be a part of the future, through going for an electric ride or opening a business of their own.
Both of you, out of 100+, have made great points about the logistics of an e-moto tour. The plan is like you stated: hot swappable batteries exchanged at midpoint of a 100+ mile ride. Concerning Fran's point about the safety, there are aspects of the electric motorcycle that are different from the norm, be careful of pedestrians who cannot hear the motorcycle, 100% torque? best hold on tight, better yet, use good judgment as to how much power is enough. The fact that the torque is adjustable is amazing and makes the motorcycle even more practical and versital than an ICE. The logistics of travel is always a challenge, the next question is: How to spread the word about this exciting new way of traveling? What would convince you or your friends to travel across the state, country or world to witness electric motorcycle riding in a beautiful place, wherever that may be?
Thanks again for your input and the hope is to further this discussion and share some ideas.
Red Clay
Who am I? This will help.