
Makes And Models => Energica => Topic started by: BigPoppa on July 12, 2019, 11:54:07 PM

Title: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on July 12, 2019, 11:54:07 PM
Any Eva/EsseEsse9 owners have the factory side bags installed? I'm curious about the following:

I'm currently using a backpack to carry my work laptop, accessories, and the occasional lunch. I do have Kriega drypacks as well if I need to pack a little more but I don't really like the dangling straps when I take the drypack(s) off and carry it into the office.

I'm debating if the side bags are worth it or if I should just spend more time fitting the Kriega straps so they don't dangle as much when I remove the drypack.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: SBK74 on July 13, 2019, 02:12:29 AM
The factory side bags on the Esse are the Givi ST604 Multilock. Data on the Givi website, I think 4 kilos weight capacity . These are semi-hard bags which can be expanded for more volume (zipper). They hold a fair amount of luggage, including a laptop. They do the job well and I use them for weekend trips and occasionally for groceries. Not so solid as the BMW 1150 RT cases I had, but the Esse at least has the best side bags in the electric business.  The standard bags on the Eva don't hold a laptop, these are very small.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on July 13, 2019, 02:40:49 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I may go ahead and pull the trigger on a set then.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: dittoalex on July 16, 2019, 08:01:52 PM
Side bags have resulted in poor MPG on my bikes, and are not recommended on Zero electrics for that reason.  Are you seeing similar range with the bags on?
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: ultrarnr on July 16, 2019, 08:31:01 PM
I have side cases on my Eva. Have ridden with them off to see if there was any difference in range and didn't notice any. Granted the side cases on the Eva are small and when you are on the bike they don't stick out very much past your legs.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on July 16, 2019, 09:17:45 PM
I decided to hold off on the Esse9 side bags since my Kriega Drypacks (20l & 10l) are sufficient for commuting and I've been able to zip tie the loops down so they don't flap or dangle when the Drypack(s) is off the bike.

If I find myself needing to carry more I'll probably just use my ICE bike (Triumph Tophy) since it has the lockable hard cases (top and sides).
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 10, 2019, 06:20:48 AM
Whelp...I went ahead and picked up the Energica side bags for the Esse Esse 9. Pretty straightforward install. I'm going for a ride most of the day tomorrow and I'll post if I notice any reduction in range. The bags themselves are pretty nice but I do notice that they sit at a slight angle on the bike with the front sticking out a little more than the rear. It may just be an optical illusion due to the shape of the bags though. It looks like the fronts are shaped to provide room for a passenger's legs (although I'll probably never have a passenger on this bike).

Looking forward to trying them out on my daily commute next week (the bags just arrived today).
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 10, 2019, 07:18:00 AM
Whelp...I went ahead and picked up the Energica side bags for the Esse Esse 9. Pretty straightforward install. I'm going for a ride most of the day tomorrow and I'll post if I notice any reduction in range. The bags themselves are pretty nice but I do notice that they sit at a slight angle on the bike with the front sticking out a little more than the rear. It may just be an optical illusion due to the shape of the bags though. It looks like the fronts are shaped to provide room for a passenger's legs (although I'll probably never have a passenger on this bike).

Looking forward to trying them out on my daily commute next week (the bags just arrived today).
Great!  I look forward to seeing them also, in the morning.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: dittoalex on August 10, 2019, 11:22:43 PM
If I find myself needing to carry more I'll probably just use my ICE bike (Triumph Tophy) since it has the lockable hard cases (top and sides).
I really hope a top case solution comes out for the Energicas, or I'll need to keep the Zero. 
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 11, 2019, 05:06:18 AM
I realize it's not a top case but my Kriega drypacks work fine with the side cases installed so you could potentially add a 30l, 20l, 10l or some combination of those sizes as tailbags...so 10l-70l worth of extra storage on the passenger portion of the seat.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 11, 2019, 08:56:23 PM
Unfortunately the side cases really don't allow you to fit a 15" MacBook Pro Touchbar. If you expand the case out and angle it in, you can get the case to close but it's not an easy fit. It's the internal shape of the side cases, not the capacity that prevents the laptop from fitting.

So...for those of you considering the side cases to carry your work laptop in, make sure your work laptop is around 13".

Looks like i'll keep using my Kriega in addition to the side cases when commuting.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: dittoalex on August 12, 2019, 12:06:41 AM
Are the side cases wider than the bars?
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 12, 2019, 12:27:43 AM
Only if you expand them and even then not by much.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 15, 2019, 10:57:44 PM
I'm going for a ride most of the day tomorrow and I'll post if I notice any reduction in range.
Still patiently waiting for that report!

I have mine on order. But they told me they ran out of the blue patches, but they will order them separately.  My side bags will come with the wrong color patches, but i was told they are very easy to change.

Do you know how the patches  are put on and removed? I forgot to ask what holds them in place.

I also ordered the Windscreen.

Total: $1020.17, includes the 10% discount and all taxes. And the $24.95 to ship it all out to me.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 15, 2019, 10:59:39 PM
I see the installation instructions here. (https://www.af1racing.com/store/ProdImages/st3/ENA003986_d7.pdf)

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 15, 2019, 11:11:33 PM
Still patiently waiting for that report!

I have mine on order. But they told me they ran out of the blue patches, but they will order them separately.  My side bags will come with the wrong color patches, but i was told they are very easy to change.

Do you know how the patches  are put on and removed? I forgot to ask what holds them in place.

I also ordered the Windscreen.

Total: $1020.17, includes the 10% discount and all taxes. And the $24.95 to ship it all out to me.

-Don-  Auburn, CA

So far I haven't noticed any reduction in range. At first, I thought I was getting less range on Saturday when I rode to Elk Grove since even in Eco mode I barely made 60 miles total. Then when I tried to run the battery down to 0% on my daily commute, my commuting range stayed about the same on the freeway and so far this week I haven't noticed any drop in my usual commute battery usage.

The colored plates are screwed in so they are easy to swap out just a little tedious due to the number of screws. Mine came with the blue Energica and Esse Esse 9 plates already installed but the default metal Givi plates were inside the cases as well.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 16, 2019, 02:52:51 AM
So far I haven't noticed any reduction in range. At first, I thought I was getting less range on Saturday when I rode to Elk Grove since even in Eco mode I barely made 60 miles total.
That's not too bad. But what would you say your average speed was and what was your SOC at the end of that 60 miles? And were you able to get to Elk Grove with no charging on the way?

And do you know roughly how far you can ride at 0 SOC indicated?

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 16, 2019, 03:42:39 AM
That's not too bad. But what would you say your average speed was and what was your SOC at the end of that 60 miles? And were you able to get to Elk Grove with no charging on the way?

And do you know roughly how far you can ride at 0 SOC indicated?

-Don-  Auburn, CA

For the ride to Elk Grove from Antioch I was averaging 55mph with about 7-8 miles at 70mph in Sport mode. Without any stops along the way (other than traffic), I made it to the chargers in Elk Grove with about 12% IIRC. On the way back, I flipped it into Sport mode about 15 miles from home and made it home with about 5% left. Both times I started with 95%.

When I ran the bike down to 0% a couple of days ago, I was able to go about another 2 miles to my house although the bike went into Limp Home mode when it hit 0%. I didn't try to push it farther so all I can say is that I had at least 2 miles of range left when it hit 0%.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 16, 2019, 04:37:57 AM
For the ride to Elk Grove from Antioch I was averaging 55mph with about 7-8 miles at 70mph in Sport mode. Without any stops along the way (other than traffic), I made it to the chargers in Elk Grove with about 12% IIRC. On the way back, I flipped it into Sport mode about 15 miles from home and made it home with about 5% left. Both times I started with 95%.

When I ran the bike down to 0% a couple of days ago, I was able to go about another 2 miles to my house although the bike went into Limp Home mode when it hit 0%. I didn't try to push it farther so all I can say is that I had at least 2 miles of range left when it hit 0%.
Seems reasonable range to me. When I have a trip planned, I always charge to 100%. And when I got back from my trip to Mtn. View, I forgot to turn my charge rate down when I got home. So I accidentally  charged back to 100% last night. So I will drive my Telsa tonight to go for dinner around 15 miles from here, just to get the charge down a bit. I already turned down the charge rate while I was thinking about it, but after it charged to full.

I almost always charge my two Zeros to 100%. That is mainly because they have  no way to program in where to charge to. But I don't charge it every night, so it isn't too often sitting at 100%.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 22, 2019, 08:25:35 AM
I got my side bags today. CalMoto said they were shipped out yesterday and I get them this morning, which is pretty fast. I have them all installed, that went very smooth. Mine came with silver (blue was out of stock), but silver  matches the front of the bike and perhaps looks as good, if not better than the blue, IMO. So I will probably just leave it with the silver. I will make the final decision when I get my blue patches.

Anyway, what is not going very smoothly is the windshield installation. How much trouble did you have removing the two little screws right in front of the front fork?  Looks like Energica takes after Zero and over-tightens everything (perhaps with permanent lock-tite?) that they want their customers to sometimes remove. I ended up stripping both screws in trying to remove them with a tool that had a perfect fit to start with. Those sure are cheap soft screws and they make it worse by having such a low head. Anyway, looks like I will have to drill into them and then use an extractor.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 22, 2019, 08:43:08 AM
The only “issue” I had was bolting the windshield itself to the mount. I had to make sure to leave the first 3 bolts very loose so I could get the 4th screw started enough to start tightening everything down.

The two screws in front of the forks that you use for the mount came out fine. I think it was because mine originally had the windshield installed and then it was removed prior to sale so they probably didn’t tighten it down as much as when it left the factory.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 22, 2019, 09:55:09 AM
The only “issue” I had was bolting the windshield itself to the mount. I had to make sure to leave the first 3 bolts very loose so I could get the 4th screw started enough to start tightening everything down.
Yah, I noticed the windscreen was very difficult to line up with the bracket.  I have mine all together, except for those two screws that I need to remove. But I will have to take it apart again to get those soft screws out with an extractor or whatever. I will do that in the morning. At least it is okay to destroy those screws as they are not used for anything.

-Don- Auburn, CA

Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 23, 2019, 09:27:04 AM
It took a couple of hours and a  garage full of tools (extractors didn't work at all) to get both screws removed, but I finally got them both out and the windscreen on normally.

Now, I am just waiting for my CA license plate to get here so I can install one of these. (https://www.kuryakyn.com/products/1261/license-plate-helmet-lock-with-mount)

Then I will be done working on the bike. Unless I decide to run a 12 volt wire to one of these.  (https://www.amazon.com/BlueFire-Waterproof-Motorcycle-Handlebar-Cigarette/dp/B075D8C565/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=motorcycle+12+volt+outlet&qid=1566530452&s=gateway&sr=8-3)

I have not ridden the SS9 since I got here from Reno a few days ago. I have been riding my Zero SR. I think the SS9 will be my main cycle to go between here and Reno.

Tomorrow, I will be at EGPS. I have a 1130 appointment for my SR, for the motor commissioning and FW update. Neither have ever been done on that bike since the day I purchased it new. It has around 7K miles on it. After this FW update, I will be able to do all  the others myself, if any.

BTW, how does the SS9 get updates? Or does it?

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 23, 2019, 05:20:34 PM
It’s my understanding the dealer has to perform any firmware updates since there’s no over the air capability built into the bike. Also, from an article I read somewhere, the firmware updates would be too large for OTA updating anyway.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: Kradblatt on August 23, 2019, 05:43:20 PM
BTW, how does the SS9 get updates? Or does it?

Energicas get updated by the dealers, like almost all motorcycles do.
I got an update in April. Had an issue with faulty indication of TC before (but TC works - just the light lit).
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: DonTom on August 23, 2019, 08:05:05 PM
It’s my understanding the dealer has to perform any firmware updates since there’s no over the air capability built into the bike. Also, from an article I read somewhere, the firmware updates would be too large for OTA updating anyway.
Yeah, I recall reading somewhere that the SS9 runs a very large program for its FW.

I wonder if there will be more Energica dealers in the near future. Getting this bike back to a dealer for anything will be a big hassle, the way it is now.

-Don-  Auburn, CA
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: BigPoppa on August 23, 2019, 10:33:33 PM
Reach out to Energica USA directly. They seem to be really motivated to try and ensure happy customers. They may be willing to work something out with you regarding future firmware upgrades since you're so far from an Energica dealer.

Never hurts to ask. ;)
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: MoneyFor on June 07, 2020, 08:00:42 PM
Thanks for posting this manual, it seems like something that you will not just do on and off the bike for fun.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: MoneyFor on June 11, 2020, 03:54:50 PM
So I was looking at the bags, Energica wants in Euro's and in Belgium 695 € / $792.00  for a set including the mounting brackets. I saw them for sale under the Givi brand for 345 €
or $393.00 and a bracket for a Suzuki 85 € / $ 97.00. I'm able to alter the bracket in any way so it will save me  265 € /  $ 301.00, money to spend on the windscreen :)
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: Demoni on June 12, 2020, 01:56:46 AM
So I was looking at the bags, Energica wants in Euro's and in Belgium 695 € / $792.00  for a set including the mounting brackets. I saw them for sale under the Givi brand for 345 €
or $393.00 and a bracket for a Suzuki 85 € / $ 97.00. I'm able to alter the bracket in any way so it will save me  265 € /  $ 301.00, money to spend on the windscreen :)

You can of course build your own brackets to mount GIVI bags to the bike, the ones that come with the Energica kit are made to bolt up to your motorcycle. If you have the fab skills go for it, if you want a solution that works out of the box...
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: MoneyFor on June 12, 2020, 02:12:38 AM
Yes I will alter the Suzuki brackets to fit, is a bit easier then build from scratch.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: octopusenvy on June 16, 2020, 04:53:53 PM
Hi guys, just adding to the luggage discussion. I looked into this a lot b4 and after getting my Eva107, and couldn't justify the Energica cost, even if it had a basic bracket system. I can see two very good mounting points (under seat x2, and under the 'hand grabs' x2), but any custom rack should really be minimal and hopefully double as a grab rail for the pillion.

For me, I figured I would just strap a bag on the tail when I ride long distance, as my wife only jumps on the back occasionally. But a set of the Givi 101B came up for around 60usd/100nzd used only 3 times, so I jumped on them to try. I'll report what they're like soon, but plan to put the strap UNDER the seat so it's not interfering with charging. The main issue I might face is the bags pointing towards the rear tyre when filled, but it's pretty easy to attach a bungy from one side to the other to pull them more together if this is happening. It's basic, but it's also cheap. I'll let you know how I get on. Failing this, I'll be looking at a rear rack that I can strap a waterproof bag to and just work with that.

E-otearoa (riding in NZ)
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: MoneyFor on June 16, 2020, 05:29:03 PM
Hi guys, just adding to the luggage discussion. I looked into this a lot b4 and after getting my Eva107, and couldn't justify the Energica cost, even if it had a basic bracket system. I can see two very good mounting points (under seat x2, and under the 'hand grabs' x2), but any custom rack should really be minimal and hopefully double as a grab rail for the pillion.

For me, I figured I would just strap a bag on the tail when I ride long distance, as my wife only jumps on the back occasionally. But a set of the Givi 101B came up for around 60usd/100nzd used only 3 times, so I jumped on them to try. I'll report what they're like soon, but plan to put the strap UNDER the seat so it's not interfering with charging. The main issue I might face is the bags pointing towards the rear tyre when filled, but it's pretty easy to attach a bungy from one side to the other to pull them more together if this is happening. It's basic, but it's also cheap. I'll let you know how I get on. Failing this, I'll be looking at a rear rack that I can strap a waterproof bag to and just work with that.

E-otearoa (riding in NZ)

I am curious about the sequel,

I will now wait until I have the Ribelle and then look further. Maybe a saddle bag will suffice, I really only want to be able to take the charger with me. For further trips and or more luggage I will take my Goldwing anyway  ;).
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: octopusenvy on June 17, 2020, 10:54:55 AM
Well that was quick! Just a day or two getting these bags and I think they actually work and look pretty good!

Here's a few more angles, but nevermind the dirty undercarriage...i live up a gravel road and it's damp at the moment. I will likely attach a strap to the back of the bags at the D-rings and affix to the pillion pegs for even more rigidity. They came with new rain covers & universal bracket mounts too (for the bags to sit against), so I'll have a look but don't expect them to fit. These were 2nd hand $60usd, used 2 times, and look brand new. I'll probably just use them for longer road trips, but that's a great deal and a decent looking solution.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: MoneyFor on June 17, 2020, 11:18:10 AM
I must honestly say that it looks very good.

Now for me this setup wouldn't work, I'm too maniacal at the paintwork for that and my fear would be that it will chafe and leave markings.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: octopusenvy on June 17, 2020, 01:39:09 PM
We are similar in that regard...i got the rear seat fairing PPE coated...thinking about doing the entire bike ;) No issues with rubbing or scratches, plus I'll only have these on when I'm on long trips.

I must honestly say that it looks very good.

Now for me this setup wouldn't work, I'm too maniacal at the paintwork for that and my fear would be that it will chafe and leave markings.
Title: Re: Side Bags
Post by: MoneyFor on June 17, 2020, 01:43:37 PM
Yes that PPE coating could be a solution for me to, never tought about that, thanks.