General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: scouter888 on May 06, 2015, 02:53:30 AM
Hi, scouter888, recent motorcycle owner; drive a 2012 Zero model DS on good weather days. Took a motorcycle driving class last summer. Enjoy my bike, it has enough juice to get me around town and back home; however our city is not really motorcycle "friendly"; other drivers on the road seem to think we don't exist and drive like we aren't there. Other than that, it's a nice town.
Thank you for this forum.
Welcome to the forum.
Your town is probably no different than any other - as a motorcycle rider the safest thing to do is assume that no one ever sees you or hears you.
Other than that little caveat - enjoy the ride!
Just wait until people start saying "you're going to get killed on that thing" and can't explain their reasoning other than it is "electric". Ah yes logic!
I keep being told that I'll get killed on my Zero because it doesn't make enough noise (loud pipes save lives, don't you know). I just respond with "I just ride like they don't hear you - which they don't no matter how much noise you make". ::)
More like this: 8)
"Loud pipes saves lives" = "I rely on other peoples driving to keep me safe"
I had a couple of quite loud ICE bikes, not because of safety but because it sounded good to me at the time.
After riding the Zero for a couple of years I now realise just what an absolute wanker I was being. I go for a nice walk in the country but my peace and quiet is constantly interrupted. I feel sorry for anyone that lives near a major road or has pets/kids that are frightened by loud noises. The list goes on.
I'm quite ashamed actually that I didn't realise how completely socially unacceptable loud pipes are.
I had a couple of quite loud ICE bikes, not because of safety but because it sounded good to me at the time.
After riding the Zero for a couple of years I now realise just what an absolute wanker I was being. I go for a nice walk in the country but my peace and quiet is constantly interrupted. I feel sorry for anyone that lives near a major road or has pets/kids that are frightened by loud noises. The list goes on.
I'm quite ashamed actually that I didn't realise how completely socially unacceptable loud pipes are.
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I had a couple of quite loud ICE bikes, not because of safety but because it sounded good to me at the time.
After riding the Zero for a couple of years I now realise just what an absolute wanker I was being. I go for a nice walk in the country but my peace and quiet is constantly interrupted. I feel sorry for anyone that lives near a major road or has pets/kids that are frightened by loud noises. The list goes on.
I'm quite ashamed actually that I didn't realise how completely socially unacceptable loud pipes are.
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You'll be amazed how often that feeling arises as you get older, NoisyBoy.
Ambulance crash statistics indicate loud noise kills:
Of the annual mean 29 fatal crashes involving an ambulance:
58% while in emergency use
42% while in non-emergency use
"Emergency Use" means red lights flashing, sirens sounding.
https://www.naemt.org/Files/HealthSafety/2014%20NHTSA%20Ground%20Amublance%20Crash%20Data.pdf (https://www.naemt.org/Files/HealthSafety/2014%20NHTSA%20Ground%20Amublance%20Crash%20Data.pdf)
Except that under blues and twos they responding to an emergency so driving much faster and running red lights.
There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.
My new Honda is as good as silent in the city and probably as unobtrusive in the countryside; very quiet coasting through villages, very civilised at speed.
My Fazer 1000 with its after-market end can minus baffle (to help the exhaust gasses to flow more efficiently of course), was not quiet.
I've detected no difference whatsoever in the behavior of other road users. Not during extensive filtering on my daily commute into London, or anywhere else for that matter.
I no longer feel like a selfish prick, I'm not attracting the attention of her majesty's fuzz and I'm sure my neighbours are happier too.
Now I'm used to riding big bikes (including the mighty ZZR 1400) and aware of what electric bikes are capable of, I view loud pipes with some derision. Of course they can sound wonderful, but in reality it's a lot of noise about nothing.
Being able to out drag just about every ICE bike on the road from the lights whilst starting from 0 rpm in silence and then only making a modest whine that gets drowned out by wind noise? Now that's effortless and cool.
Happy riding Noob and of you can find some advanced training, go for it. You'll get even note out of your riding, your family will have something to feel a little at ease about and it could well save you from danger. It's the best thing I've done and can't recommend it enough. Even if you've been riding for decades, you'll learn something invaluable!
Just wait until people start saying "you're going to get killed on that thing" and can't explain their reasoning other than it is "electric". Ah yes logic!
Yes, that happens to me regularly. I simply reply that maybe they can't hear me, but I can hear them, and that's more important to me. And if I really need them to hear me, I use the horn.