Makes And Models > Energica

My BMW shop took on the Energica franchise


My BMW shop, Calmoto, located in Mountain View, CA, has acquired the Energica franchise and is selling the bikes from a spot where they used to sell Triumph motorcycles in their showroom, but dropped that brand. I have a friend who visited the shop today and took the attached photos.

More photos.

Here is a photo of the Energica section of their showroom.  The bikes, especially when accessorized are not cheap.

I was at Calmoto today and some models have a minor discount (~1000) for carbon fiber packages which is nice.

But, there was a matte black Ego with a pink discount slip on it for $17X00 (17,100 plus some fee, total still in the 17s...)! If you're on the fence, get down there and check it out!


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