Parking inside is a no go, I am a good 10 steps up from grade. The only stairwell is in the front too, no sneaky back way in. I have no doubt a dsr could handle the set, but I doubt my ability to get it there.
I think the work folks are open to the idea as the company owns four hybrids in their fleet. Another staffer has a leaf, and plugs that in at work so I doubt they will resist the idea of a new smaller plug in EV. My direct boss is ok with it, so at least in my little world I cant go wrong.
I am currently inside the 30% range of my office. Additionally near where I work they just installed 12 level 2 charging stations. 8 are at meter spaces, the other four are open with time limits. Most of those spots are within walking distance of my office (3 min) from the closest. Looking to the future, if I moved it would be to somewhere where I would have my own garage space so home charging would my new cheese.
Parking right outside my shop the bike might be "relocated" because they think its funny to do, but its a small organization so I can creatively park someone else's car in retaliation (those things always escalate though). Additionally there's a gate that closes overnight so if I needed to park and take the metro home I wouldn't loose too much sleep.
Thank you for the tips, I didnt think about relocating even though I have come back to a moved moto parked in the city more than once. If there are more first timer mistakes you can think of to toss my way I am all ears, or eyes as my computer isnt fancy enough to read to me.