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Author Topic: Zero parts ordering  (Read 5219 times)


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Zero parts ordering
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:40:26 PM »

A while ago I had the chance to briefly check out the Zero parts-ordering software (just looking over someone's shoulder, not actually using it).  It's similar to mainstream software I've used online, but not identical - and at least one difference can significantly affect ordering (see below).  The parts program is run over the Web, probably from Zero HQ.

As I recall, there's a main drop-down menu set that shows the various Zero models and years.  The user specifies a year and model, orders parts for it, then changes to a different year and/or model to order parts for that one.  The fleet models (DSP, MMX, etc.) were completely absent from the software I looked at - I have no idea how parts are ordered for those (no '16 MMX front & rear wheels for me - oh well).

Once the model & year are selected, there are various diagrams that can be opened.  Unlike other parts programs I've used, there's no parts list underneath corresponding to the diagram numbers; instead, the user clicks on a number in the diagram, and a new window opens with specific part information.  This extra complexity might be warranted if there were lines and lines of info for every part, but all I saw were single lines with part number, brief description, and possibly price, with the rest of the page blank.  All this info - including superceding P/N's - is included on other ordering programs' parts lists, under the diagrams.

One thing you do NOT want to see in the part screen is 'Part Not Available' (which I now believe actually means 'Part Availability not available'). :)  In the ten orders I've made so far. this has happened in at least 7 of them, sometimes multiple times per order; in each case I re-ordered the parts in the next order, and have gotten every one so far.  After seeing the software in action, I think there may be a half-assed workaround for this situation if the part you want is used over several models and/or years;  you can order the same part for multiple years/models, and chances are one of them will show as available and can actually be ordered - or you can re-order as mentioned above.  Since all this parts stuff is dealer-eyes-only it's pretty difficult to determine for certain which parts are used for which years - I guess the Zero site photos will have to suffice, at least for now.

A side note regarding the chain kit - all the individual parts can be ordered from the '13 MX section, along with the shock protector.

As mentioned in the recent 'Dealer Thread', the standard parts-ordering model is to have the parts sent to the dealer, where they can be picked up or re-shipped to the customer.  Honestly, for the present I think this arrangement is probably best; I've had problems with a number of my orders, and it's far easier to let the dealer handle those.  I'm sure in the future Zero will farm out the parts thing to third-party Web entities like everyone else, and we'll be able to order direct online.

'14 Zero FX 5.7 (now 2.8, MX), '14 Zero FX 2.8 (street), '19 Alta MXR, '18 Alta MXR, various '74 - '08 ICE dirt bikes


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Re: Zero parts ordering
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2016, 01:23:48 AM »

Thanks for explaining this; I've seen dealer parts employees furrow their brows when trying to look up part numbers, and they're usually thankful when I've cribbed them off the forum or found them in other ways.

I'm used to Suzuki parts lookup that any customer can do on the web, which really helps when trying to make decisions about a repair.
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Re: Zero parts ordering
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2016, 04:15:41 AM »

No problem - just wish I'd had more time to look.  I'm mostly familiar with the Honda parts system, which I find very easy to use (they've got an excellent selection of quality black hardware, I use it on a lot of stuff).

The Zero part number format is XX-XXXXX-XX (prefix - part number - revision number).  I haven't been able to discern any pattern in the center five numbers (year, model, etc.), and the rev. number is used sporadically, if at all.

Here's a partial guide to the prefixes - after selecting the model and year, the dealer may be able to enter these in the P/N Search and bring up the related diagram with all similar parts displayed, but I don't know for sure:

10-  Optional
11-  Apparel
20-  Frame
21-  Swingarm
22-  Forks / Steering
23-  Wheels / Axles / Wheel Spacers
24-  Body Parts / Covers / Plastic
25-  Brakes
30-  Final Drive
40-  Control / Dash
45-  Charging ?
46-  Batteries
65-  Lighting
80-  Logos / Emblems
88-  Instruction Sheets / Manuals ?
90-  Hardware

« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 06:05:53 AM by rayivers »
'14 Zero FX 5.7 (now 2.8, MX), '14 Zero FX 2.8 (street), '19 Alta MXR, '18 Alta MXR, various '74 - '08 ICE dirt bikes


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Re: Zero parts ordering
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2016, 08:13:01 PM »

Bit of an old thread, but thought I'd post here rather than creating a new one so it doesn't draw too much attention. Zero's main service portal looks pretty well walled off, but if you direct your attention over to the Australian importer, you may like what you find: http://www.zeroparts.com.au/zero-parts.

In particular, I suggest you visit that site with a browser that lets you block META refresh requests. Check here for a firefox extension that will block these for you.

Prices will be off and don't include dealer margins, but it should help out with part numbers.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 04:41:29 PM by PhreaK »
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Re: Zero parts ordering
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2017, 03:27:02 AM »

Just another quick update... I'm sure everyone's seen this link by now - my advice would be to save every one of those .pdf's pretty damn fast :) - so while the parts issue has resurfaced  I thought I'd add a few minor things gleaned from my last few orders (14 total; hard to believe somehow).

1) Zero doesn't really do parts-number supercessions in the Honda sense (giving new part numbers to identical or nearly-identical older parts, usually when they're used again on a later-model machine and/or are supplied by a new vendor).  Instead, from what I can tell Zero does part substitutions, where an older p/n is replaced with the p/n of the latest version of a part with similar function; then the original part number may or may not be removed from the database, resulting in some perfectly-good p/n's for unique older parts that come back as NG when entered.  This has happened to me 5 times, resulting in the return of four useless-to-me parts (I would've returned all 5, but I didn't notice the small differences until much later :( ).  A 6"-too-long rear brake line is pretty much a joke, completely-different LH frame brackets don't work too well on the RH side, etc. etc.

2)  As I mentioned earlier, if you really want a part, re-order it until the parts person hates you. :)  I finally got a RH AC-inlet bracket for the '14 FX after four failed ordering attempts, two years after the 1st attempt and at least a year after it had been "discontinued".

3)  Order wheels as single orders (i.e., just the wheel, nothing else).  This does NOT guarantee the wheel will arrive undamaged, but the chances are better that it will.  I've ordered five '16 FX wheels, three were damaged (a fourth replacement wheel was sent in its own box and arrived damaged as well).  Packing seems to consist of dropping the wheel into a giant box and taping it up, with or without loose sharp-edged company.

'14 Zero FX 5.7 (now 2.8, MX), '14 Zero FX 2.8 (street), '19 Alta MXR, '18 Alta MXR, various '74 - '08 ICE dirt bikes


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Re: Zero parts ordering
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2017, 04:24:26 AM »

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Re: Zero parts ordering
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2017, 04:40:27 AM »

Cool, Brian - thanks!
'14 Zero FX 5.7 (now 2.8, MX), '14 Zero FX 2.8 (street), '19 Alta MXR, '18 Alta MXR, various '74 - '08 ICE dirt bikes
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