How do you feel about sharing links to useful content in this thread? This forum is full of great information and considered discussions but newcomers won't know where to start or even what to search for. Old topics tend to get buried and only those that have been here for years would have any knowledge of them.
There are also lots of well respected blogs, websites, Facebook groups, YouTube videos etc.
Just paste your links to topics on this forum or any other resource that you've found interesting or useful in some way. Don't worry about duplication as I'm willing to go through all the posts and collate the links into a single list. I could even edit this original post and include the list here so that people get straight to it.
I'm sure we'll all benefit by discovering hidden gems. I'd also like to provide a list to the nice people at Streetbike. It could be useful material for their salespeople to get up to speed with. It could also be something they could pass onto customers who'd like to learn more and join in on the forum.
Any comments and suggestions are always welcome of course.