Anyone thinking of a size 6 upgrade, do it! I have almost 5000 miles on the new controller now and have loved every minute of it! You will only have less range if you choose to ride real hard and use it, knowing there is a recharging spot close by. It makes the bike so fun to ride! Even on my trip carrying hundreds of pounds of gear (check some pictures, I seriously have 400 pounds of stuff), it makes pulling out in traffic, passing and weaving through traffic so easy your confidence is boosted as you know the bike has the power to get you out of any sticky situation. The bike with 400 pounds of gear feels so nimble with so much torque.
(See pics of the size 6 on the bike, and all the luggage and follow the trip here:
As I said, if you ever wished your zero had a little more power, this is the simpliest upgrade. I rode home with the size 4 in the bike to see the package from Hollywood Electrics at my door, and less than an hour later, I rode it to the beer store with the size 6 installed and almost scared myself it was so fast. (Although the next day I did take it back out and remove 1/2 of a bolt hole on each side of the frame and then put it back it for a nice snug fit like the bike was designed for the size 6 and not the size 4 to begin with.
Still on track to hit Los Angeles by Friday if all goes to plan. Need to average about 500 miles a day on the Zero for the next 4 days like I did the first day of the trip. Stopped to see 2 good friends in Louisania I hadn't seen in 2 years and it stalled the trip a little, but back on the road this morning. Should hit Texas later today! When charge stations are close by ~50 miles or less, with the size 6 controller, the trip goes quick. Unplug, Zip through traffic fast in random towns with the torque feel of a 600cc sportbike, bulk charge only for 45 min, repeat.
As your doctor, I'm prescribing 660 amps to all of you. Take at least twice a day, and what ever ailment you may have, you will at least have a huge smile on your face you can't control when you twist the throttle. And as modern medicine believes, the more you smile and happier you are, the better the body can heal itself. So get the size 6! Doctors orders!